Banknotes Blog


How We Became Lake Ridge Bank

We knew right from the start that one of the most important decisions we would need to make was what to name our new bank.

Don't let saving for college be stressful. Learn about different financial aid packages and get some insight from our experts.

Don't let credit card fraud ruin your holidays. Here are 9 tips on how to avoid it, including best practices for privacy and securing your devices.

As a general rule, there are 4 ways to leave a legacy: (1) by will, (2) by trust, (3) by beneficiary designation, and (4) by joint ownership arrangements.

Retirement: How will you manage the transition? Will you travel? Relocate? Work? Will changes in your income sources affect your standard of living?

It's a seller’s market: little supply of homes and high buyer demand. Getting pre-approved will be instrumental in having your offer accepted.

What do lenders look for when lending to small businesses? One of the most important things is your personal credit.

When the time comes, you probably want to control how your estate's distributed to the people or organizations you care most about. THAT's Estate Planning.

If you qualify for federal financial aid, there are strategies you can try to implement to enhance the amount of financial aid your child can receive.

If you're self-employed or own a small business, a retirement plan can help you and your employees save for the future.

The sooner you start planning and budgeting for your children, the more time you will be able to enjoy them.

Good estate planning necessitates a team of trusted advisors to ensure the plan meets financial, family and health situations. Follow these six steps.

In the next 20 years, we will have perhaps the largest transfer of wealth in history. Much will be in the form of transferring a business.

Establishing the ideal retirement plan for a small business can be daunting, especially since this is not an area of expertise for most business owners.

You’re aware that certain charitable contributions qualify for tax deductions. But, what about other ways your business can “win” with charitable giving?

Does giving a position of your money away (generosity) truly feel good? Based on personal experience, this is a resounding Yes!

Many people believe that any kind of debt is worse than no debt, but there may be good reasons to incur some types of debt.

It's always a good idea to be educated on the changes and loot to the future so you can easily plan for this year, next year as well.

We understand that the details of a budget can often take a back seat, but controlling your expenses can improve profits and much more!

Investing in Bonds: The Fed finally just increased the Rate for the first time in a year. That may leave you with some questions!