Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Will accessing Credit Sense 'ping' my credit and potentially lower my credit score?

Personal Online Banking

No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.

Personal Mobile Banking

No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.

Card Control

No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.


No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.

Personal Finance Manager

No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.

Business Online Banking

No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.

Business Mobile Banking

No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.

Business Leasing

No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.

Business Online Bill Pay

No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.

Account Alerts

No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.


No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.

uChoose Rewards

No. Checking Credit Sense is a 'soft inquiry,' which does not affect your credit score. Lenders use ‘hard inquiries’ to make decisions about your credit worthiness when you apply for loans.