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  • What precautions are you taking to clean cash/coins? Can I catch coronavirus from money?

Personal Online Banking

Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.

Personal Mobile Banking

Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.

Card Control

Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.


Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.

Personal Finance Manager

Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.

Business Online Banking

Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.

Business Mobile Banking

Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.

Business Leasing

Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.

Business Online Bill Pay

Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.

Account Alerts

Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.


Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.

uChoose Rewards

Public health experts believe the virus to be transmittable through “fomite” surfaces, including paper money, that have been touched by an infected person. Our staff is handling cash and other items with gloves, using sanitizer, and taking hand-washing breaks at least once per hour, if not more. We also have specially formulated solution that each office is using to clean things like door handles, and we have asked our cleaning crew to focus on hands-on items.