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  • If a parent registers a card for a child, what stops the child from changing the controls placed on the card?

Personal Online Banking

Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.

Personal Mobile Banking

Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.

Card Control

Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.


Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.

Personal Finance Manager

Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.

Business Online Banking

Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.

Business Mobile Banking

Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.

Business Leasing

Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.

Business Online Bill Pay

Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.

Account Alerts

Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.


Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.

uChoose Rewards

Each person who registers a card will have access to controls for the card. In many cases, the child will not know about State Bank of Cross Plains Card Manager unless the parent shares the information.