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  • How long does it take for a control or alert setting to take effect?

Personal Online Banking

Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.

Personal Mobile Banking

Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.

Card Control

Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.


Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.

Personal Finance Manager

Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.

Business Online Banking

Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.

Business Mobile Banking

Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.

Business Leasing

Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.

Business Online Bill Pay

Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.

Account Alerts

Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.


Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.

uChoose Rewards

Control settings take effect as soon as the Updating information message in the app stops.