Frequently Asked Questions

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  • How do I request a loan for a non-profit, a municipality, or an organization without owners - (We don't have any owners to add in the application)?

Personal Online Banking

If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.

Personal Mobile Banking

If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.

Card Control

If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.


If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.

Personal Finance Manager

If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.

Business Online Banking

If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.

Business Mobile Banking

If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.

Business Leasing

If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.

Business Online Bill Pay

If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.

Account Alerts

If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.


If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.

uChoose Rewards

If your loan request is for a Non-Profit, Municipality or other type of organization without owners, you must choose NON-PROPFIT/MUNICIPAL on the first page of the application.  This page cannot be accessed again once you’ve begun the application process. Choosing Non-Profit/Municipal will eliminate the Beneficial Owners section and the Guarantor page in the application.  If you did not select Non-Profit / Municipal when starting the application, please notify your lender as you will need to start a new application and the first one will be removed.