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  • How are alerts and controls established for various merchant types?

Personal Online Banking

Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.

Personal Mobile Banking

Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.

Card Control

Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.


Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.

Personal Finance Manager

Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.

Business Online Banking

Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.

Business Mobile Banking

Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.

Business Leasing

Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.

Business Online Bill Pay

Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.

Account Alerts

Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.


Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.

uChoose Rewards

Specific merchant types have been created within Lake Ridge Bank Card Control, and these merchant types can be used for controls or alerts via the Alert Preferences or Control Preferences screen.