Frequently Asked Questions

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  • Does Credit Sense offer credit report monitoring as well?

Personal Online Banking

Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.

Personal Mobile Banking

Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.

Card Control

Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.


Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.

Personal Finance Manager

Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.

Business Online Banking

Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.

Business Mobile Banking

Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.

Business Leasing

Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.

Business Online Bill Pay

Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.

Account Alerts

Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.


Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.

uChoose Rewards

Yes. Credit Sense will monitor and send email alerts when there’s been a change to your credit profile.