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  • A region has been set on the map. Does this mean the card can only be used exactly in this region?

Personal Online Banking

The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.

Personal Mobile Banking

The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.

Card Control

The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.


The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.

Personal Finance Manager

The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.

Business Online Banking

The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.

Business Mobile Banking

The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.

Business Leasing

The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.

Business Online Bill Pay

The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.

Account Alerts

The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.


The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.

uChoose Rewards

The region shows the approximate area where the card can be used; the area must be greater than five square miles. Lake Ridge Bank Card Control can typically map the transaction down to a ZIP code or city. If the city or ZIP code of the merchant overlaps with the selected region in the map, then the transaction can still go through. There are instances where a merchant location cannot be mapped down to a ZIP code or city, in which case Card Control will default to a state-level match.