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Prime Time Plus Club

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News & Events

Explore our recent newsletter and event calendar. Sign up to secure your spot. Connect with us on our private Facebook page for announcements, memories and tips!

Newsletter & 2022 Events

View the (digital) Spring 2023 Newsletter by clicking the button below. This issue includes a calendar of events, a message from Lake Ridge Bank CEO Jim Tubbs, and more...

Sign-Up for Events

If you would like to sign up for any 2021 events listed in the newsletter, please complete this form and return by mail or email ( Reservations will be taken in date and time order they are received. Thank you.

Facebook Group

Stay connected with your fellow members, receive event reminders, participate in fun virtual activities, and learn from our weekly tips.

All Resources 

    Learning & Fun

    • Trickster Cards: customizable rules so you can play cards your way! Fast-paced, competitive, and fun — for free!
    • “Today I want to learn about…”  shopping online, online entertainment, social websites and apps, useful websites and apps and technology basics.
    • From Microsoft office and email, to reading, math and more, offers more than 200 topics, including lessons, videos and more than 50 interactive and games, completely free.
    • While this site focuses on the educational side of digital literacy, it also provides many resources in all in one website to help you tap into the exponential amount of resources available via the internet.