Agricultural Division

Your Partner for All Seasons

Agriculture and Wisconsin go hand in hand – it’s no exaggeration to say that villages, towns, and cities across this state have grown from the seeds planted by those who came before us. At Lake Ridge Bank, we recognize not only the importance that this vital industry has played in our collective growth over the years, but the critical role it will have in moving us all forward.

Ag Lending and Crop Insurance Specialists

Our team of experts not only knows what it takes to farm – since most of them own and work on farms themselves – but they also know what it takes to finance and protect a farming operation. Our team's main focus is to provide you with the best service and knowledge in the industry. 

With more than 120 years of combined experience, our ag and crop insurance specialists can provide you with numerous financing and protection resources for your business.


The dairy industry is full of variables. At Lake Ridge Bank, we understand the impact that these can have on your business and we're ready to support you.

Agriculture Lending

Whether you're starting, managing, or growing your business, our ag lenders have got your back at every stage. 

Crop Insurance

Our Crop Insurance team can give you a fresh perspective on what protection can offer and highlight the ways it will ensure your business thrives. 

Meet Our Ag Team

Across Wisconsin, our Ag team’s roots run deep – most were born into the industry, many continue to operate and work on farms, and all have strong connections to the local farming community. We realize that, for as much commonality that exists across operators, every business is unique. Your operation requires and deserves an individualized approach from its banking and risk management partner. Each member of our Ag Division understands this and is ready to help your operation reach its full potential. After all, we are Your Partner for All Seasons. Get to know us below.

Rene Johnson

Apr 30, 2021, 09:39 AM
Unique Identifier : Rene Johnson
First name : Rene
Last name : Johnson
Team member title : Senior Vice President – AG/Business Relationship Manager
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Phone : (608) 424-2318
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  • Ag Lending
  • Agriculture
  • Business and Commercial
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